Today is the closest this country has ever been to major health care reform. Are there flaws in the House, and especially Senate, bills? Yes. Major ones. At times, I have trouble supporting either bill, especially the Senate bill, which lacks a public option. But ya know what, as hard as this is to type, we have to start somewhere. And here's where those behind health care reform, which should include every American outside of those making money off the backs of the sick, need to step up. Two pretty simple things you can do today, which should only take a few minutes. First off, call your local representative. The following is the congressional switchboard number. Call this number, tell them your rep., wait to be transferred, and then leave a message voicing your support for health care reform, (and the public option, if you support it): 202.559.4225. Secondly, we now stand at approximately 41 senators who support the public option. Those who have yet to commit are in bold below . ...