Uncle Tupelo / Still Feel Gone (1991)

9.5 I discovered alt.country (or Americana or No Depression or....) in early 1994. I was a sophomore in college. I'd just made a new group of friends, and our musical tastes were spread all over the place. I was still locked into "classic rock," despite hating that tag. I mean, I was really only drawn to certain areas of “genre”: Springsteen, Neil Young, CCR, Beatles, Stones. I didn't like Eric Clapton, Rush or Yes. Pink Floyd were ok. Zeppein weren't my thing (that would change decades later). My friends and I played a lot of the same music weekend-over-weekend: the aforementioned acts, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Public Enemy..... It felt like we needed a new sound. Something to keep things moving. Crawling back to you now I sold my guitar, to the girl next door She asked me if I knew how I told her, I don't think so, anymore Sometime in early 1994, my buddies Matt and Cubby invited their friend Andrew Flanders down from Bowdoin. Quite possibly ...