I often mull where I'll move to next, if/when I decide to leave San Francisco. I don't see this happening any time soon as I've grown to like this city quite a bit, but I'm guessing that I'll feel the urge at some point. Maybe. Lately I've thought about some possibilities: Portland/OR, Spain, Iceland, New Zealand, Stockholm, Melbourne, Croatia, Vancouver. Tonight I stumbled upon Mercer Human Resource Consulting's list of the Top 100 Most Livable Cities "based on 39 key quality-of-life issues. They include political stability, currency-exchange regulations, political and media censorship, school quality, housing, the environment and public safety." Here's the Top 20: 1 Zurich, Switzerland 2 Geneva, Switzerland 3 Vancouver, Canada 4 Vienna, Austria 5 Auckland, New Zealand 6 Dusseldorf, Germany 7 Frankfurt, Germany 8 Munich, Germany 9 Bern, Switzerland 9 Sydney, Australia 11 Copenhagen, Denmark 12 Wellington, New Zealand 13 Amsterdam, The Netherla...