Guest List: Me

The one area of Pitchfork that I still read is the Guest List section. Although I find some of their questions to be budget, I still like to read what some of my favorite artists are listening to, etc. I've invited myself to their Guest List.

>>Favorite New Songs From the Past Year

Josh Ritter "The Temptation of Adam". This songs sums up a lot of the emotions I've been feeling given the current administration. I mean, there's this message that love seems to override anything, even the eventual apocalypse. There's this notion that connecting with people is quite possibly the most important human activity that exists.

Liz Pappademas "Loma Prieta". Absolutely stunning. The fear that takes hold of a child during a time of chaos, and that child's need for parental love and calming. Just beautiful.

>>Favorite Older Songs at the Moment

It's not that old, but Bonnie "Prince" Billy's "Hard Life" has been a favorite this year. Aside from his new record, basically every songs that Will Oldham touches is amazing. I've also been all over Slint's "Good Morning, Captain" after seeing their amazing show at Bimbo's a few months back. And then there's Daniel Johnston's "True Love Will Find You in the End". I suppose we're all on that search. And then there's "These Days" by both Jackson Browne and Nico.

>>Favorite New Band

Flight of the Conchords. Or maybe Grizzly Bear. And Absentee.

>>Favorite Song Ever

This is f'n impossible. But if I had to pick one, just one, it would probably be Springsteen's "Thunder Road". I've probably heard this song just shy of 10,000 times in my life and it still sounds brand new. For me, it represents personal freedom and the desire to explore, get out, break out.

>>Last Great Film I Saw

"Jonestown". I will confess: I knew close to nothing about the Jonestown massacres. This probably made this movie better. Either way, it was a fantastic documentary.

>>Last Great Book I Read

Probably Cormac McCarthy's "The Road". I realize it's an obvious choice, and I don't think it lived up to the hype, but it was really good.

>>Favorite Piece of Musical Equipment

The flute/recorder I played in second grade.

>>Favorite Record Shop

Currently, I suppose I'll go with Amoeba here in SF. It really has just about everything, except for the Scud Mountain Boys record I've been seeking out and the first Jayhawks record. All time? Probably Holy Cow in Brooklyn. I lived right around the corner and man did I love stopping in there every weekend.

>>Best Purchase of the Past Year

Josh Ritter's "The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter". Or maybe the ipod nano that I bought for my girlfriend just because she loves it so much.

>>Best Thing I Did This Year

Quit drinking. And taking the trip to Oregon with my girlfriend.

>>Favorite Music Venue

Here in SF it would have to be Bimbo's - the sound is just fantastic. Nationwide...I'm not sure if it's still great, but an old-time favorite was The Paradise in Boston - what a great, cozy, intimate room. And I miss The Bowery Ballroom in NYC.

>>Favorite TV Show at the Moment

"Tell Me You Love Me" on HBO. If you can get past the first two or so episodes, you'll find a real treasure.

>>Favorite Video Game at the Moment

I haven't played a video game since Vectrex or Colecovision. Ok, I used to play some hoops games on Nintendo at a friend's apartment in NYC, but I haven't played a video game in years.

>>Favorite Radio Show

I listen to NPR online sometimes, but that's about it. The radio in my car hasn't been turned on since I bought the car in early 2005.

>>My Ringtone

I detest ringtones. I'm actually starting to detest cell phones in general because folks seem to have taken the liberty to talk at top volumes no matter where they are. But I need it for work. I have a standard ringer. I also like vibrate because it's hot.


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