#40 Pernice Brothers

I first saw Joe Pernice in 1995, when his first outfit, Scud Mountain Boys, were the first of three bands, followed by Blue Mountain and Wilco, to take the stage at New York City's Tramps. Pernice and his band sat around candle-lit tables strumming beautiful tracks from the first few Scuds records. I was hooked. Massachusetts still stands as one of the best records in my collection. When he wrapped the Scuds (for then), and started the Pernice Brothers, expectations were high. The first Pernice record, Overcome by Happiness , released in 1998 on Seattle's Sub Pop, remains their best. Sub Pop co-founder Jonathan Poneman cites Happiness as the one record in the Sub Pop catalog that never really got its due. When I think of this record, I think of West Virginia. One of those records that remains stapled to a moment in time. I was driving from New Jersey to Cincinnati in 1999 or so to visit my brother, and I clearly recall pulling off an exit in W. Virginia and hearing my car...