Obama's Lead Narrows To Three Points

I mean, seriously? I fully understand that polls ebb and flow, but I just can not imagine that this country will elect John McCain. Ok, that's not entirely true; one only need to point to 2004 to see the impossible become reality, but seriously? Again?

Has America been paying attention to John McCain's campaign? Or better yet: Has America reflected for a moment on the past seven-plus years? I mean, how on Earth could this election not be an absolute landslide for Obama. Do I agree with every position he's taken (especially over the past ten days)? Nope. But he is leaps ahead of McCain. For one, he's coherent.

Democrats are terrified that it's all going to happen again. I've assured my brethren that, in my humble opinion, it's just not going to happen. Obama's too strong and McCain's the weakest candidate since Bob Dole, and Dole is Abe Lincoln next to Johnny Boy.

The Dems will likely expand their leads in both the House and the Senate, but everyone knows that we thirst for the big prize. And I simply can not imagine that prize not landing in our laps the night of November 4. I mean.....


  1. National polls don't matter, Not one bit.

    Did you see that Obama has built a lead in Arizona, McCain's home state? That's more of an indication of how this election is going than the national polling.

  2. I am more and more convinced that Bush did not win either in 2000 or 2004. The current energy "crisis" was well on the horizon in the 80s and 90s, hell, even in the 50s. The 2000 election was dependent on a change of philosophy. I believe Gore would have offered that. In many way it is clear to me that two things are at work here - the infinite corporate influence in our politics, and the willingness of most Americans to remain disengaged as long as their "daily liberties (as in - entertainment, consumerism and right to sit in traffic jams inexpensively)" are not compromised. It would take an amazing corruption to undo or over-ride the current dissatisfaction in even the most politically remote of Americans today. And sadly Obama's opportunity is only really available because the economy is so in shambles. It saddens me that over the 10 years or so, the gap between the wealthy and the working classes has so severely widened with horribly corrupt practices (Enron being the grossest example)and the citizenry at large remains almost willfully protective of what little the get and have relatively speaking. From public education, to health care to the invading of a sovereign nation.... We, the engaged citizens, remained paralyzed because the will of the people at large is an almost ignorant obsession with itself. Now gas is at almost $5 a gallon and that ripples to every part of our lives, and finally the people are waking up. I love the opportunity Obama has, but I hate the means. I believe Obama will win. The challenge will then become that we become an engaged and vigilant citizenry. Because all that were going through was avoidable. I genuinely believe that.

  3. Great points on both fronts.

    And Fred: I believe Obama is also leading in OH, FL, PA and MI. So agreed, if he's ahead in these battlegrounds then we're in good shape. I'm just amazed that he's only three ahead nationally. Just shocking.

  4. Having re-read the second comment, I just want to thank the author. I wholeheartedly agree that the majority of Americans ignore our government's activities until it directly impacts their lives, most importantly their wallets. This is unfortunate, but technology, mass consumption and the hunger to always get ahead distracts us from keeping an eye on the welfare of all.

  5. Apologies for all the typos in my comment above. Having re-read it, I'm grateful you got the gist of it!


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