Wilco @ Outside Lands

One thing is certain: my cell phone takes terrible pictures.

I passed on day's one and two of Outside Lands, but a good friend offered up a freebie today, and given that Wilco were on the bill, well, ya know. I arrived in time to grab a $7 beer and head over to see the Drive-By Truckers. The last time I caught the DBT's was in LA about two years ago. The show in LA was fantastic. The show today was not. With the exception of one or two songs, this was just a loud noodlefest.

I then moved across the park to land a good spot for Wilco. We arrived in time to catch the entire Broken Social Scene set. I've never liked this band on record, and live they were just as tedious. When they introduced Spiral Stairs, formerly of Pavement and Preston School of Industry, I think I was one of maybe nine people who recognized the name. My age was showing.

Wilco opened with "Remember the Mountain Bed" which was absolutely stunning. The rest of the set was solid, but they appeared ready to pack up and get offstage as soon as possible. And who could really blame them? For $110/day, this three-day lineup was pretty dreadful. Once again, perhaps my age is showing.

Wilco's set:
Remember the Mountain Bed
Company in My Back
You are My Face
I Am Trying To Break Your Heart
Handshake Drugs
Jesus, etc.
Impossible Germany
Via Chicago
California Stars
Hate it Here
I'm the Man Who Loves You

Remember The Mountain Bed - Billy Bragg & Wilco


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