2008 : Most Listened To Artists

This isn't 100% accurate since I listened to a lot of vinyl, CDs and tunes in my car. But of the music that I listened to via my computer and ipod (probably about 70%), here's the list of top 50 artists I listened to this year (along with number of plays).
I was going to wait until 1/1/09 to make it an entire year, but hell, I've got egg nog to brew up.
1 Bonnie "Prince" Billy 850
2 Bruce Springsteen 827
3 Neil Young 578
4 Bob Dylan 574
5 Wilco 547
6 Okkervil River 474
7 Centro-matic 446
8 Tim Easton 408
9 Josh Rouse 400
10 Old 97's 376
11 Richard Buckner 339
11 The Kinks 339
13 Damien Jurado 336
14 Eels 304
15 Josh Ritter 290
16 NIck Drake 289
17 M. Ward 283
18 Beck 282
19 Aimee Mann 228
20 Matthew Ryan 218
21 Thao 215
22 Uncle Tupelo 202
23 Blue Mountain 201
24 Son Volt 191
25 South San Gabriel 180
26 The Rolling Stones 178
26 REM 178
28 Sam Cooke 170
29 The Jayhawks 167
30 Jens Lekman 165
30 The Gourds 165
32 The Go-Betweens 151
33 Jay Farrar 141
34 Teenage Fanclub 131
35 Easton Stagger Phillips 130
36 Nathan Moore 128
37 Joe Henry 126
38 Yo La Tengo 124
39 Steve Earle 117
40 The Beatles 115
41 Jason Isbell 114
42 Gillian Welch 111
43 Elliott Smith 106
44 The National 103
44 Gob Iron 103
46 Mark Olson 101
47 The Drams 97
48 Peter Case 96
49 Juana Molina 95
49 Billy Bragg & Wilco 95
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