I'll Take Credit, Please

For the first time ever, today I sold back some CDs. I only brought in a little over 20 and most were throwbacks from the 80s and 90s. I'm talking some real garbage: Skynyrd, Henley, Crash Test Dummies and so forth. The very kind fella at Amoeba ended up taking about half and offered up either $40 in store credit or $20 in cash. For some reason, (the economy? my look of homelessness?), before even asking which I'd take, he went to the register. "I'll take credit, please", I said. Surprised, he turned over to the receipt machine and printed out a piece of paper that opened up my mini shopping spree.

I used to walk into Amoeba (while employed) and limit myself to $50-$75 in goods. I usually made such trips about three times every two months. Today is the first time since the day of the ax that I felt like I could have some fun. I walked up and down the two prominent vinyl aisles about five times, through country once, through the CDs once and made a quick run through the DVD room. After about 50 minutes, I had to bolt outside and refill the parking meter. And then I went back to vinyl and went below. You know, the area where all the cheapo records reside. I'm talking stuff that makes the CDs I turned in look like Abbey Road. But if you spend the time, I surmise that just about anyone can find something worth picking up. Amoeba's red label stickers are $1.99 each and they toss in a freebie if you pick up three. After about 30 minutes shuffling my ass around the dusty floor, I held records by Syd Straw, Scruffy the Cat and Steve Forbert. I really can't count how many times I've held a Forbert record in-hand knowing full well that I'll chuck it back in the bins when it's time to go. I've purchased three copies of the classic Alive on Arrival but the others just never make it to the register. I think that one with Pizza in the title actually made it to the front once, but at the last moment, I put it aside.

I ended up putting exactly two hours worth of quarters into the meter. And when I finally returned to my car, the "Expired" warning was flashing. A glance at the windshield slowed down my pulse - no ticket.

After a few stop-offs, I'm now back home with my new bag of goods. Unlike most days, instead of going for the predictable, I went with a few risks today. Alright, that is not really true. The one real blind purchase would've been some Merle Haggard and the Strangers LP that I ended up sliding back on the racks on the way up front.

Here's what ended up remaining in the cart, all the way to the car:

The Replacements Tim - were these just re-issued on vinyl???
Sufjan Stevens Come on Feel the Illinoise - this is a record made for vinyl.
Scruffy the Cat Tiny Days - at $2, if it sucks I'll just bring it back and get some Forbert.
Peter Case Peter Case - $3. can't lose.
Son House The Legendary Son House: Father of Folk Blues - only $12.99?!??!

Richard Buckner Richard Buckner - this is the oop Overcoat release. mighty nice find.

Until next time....


  1. they (the mats albums) were re-released on CD as well (and sound great)


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