Health Care Reform on the Ropes

As I was set to turn in for the night, as I do every night, I turned to the iPhone one last time and turned to tomorrow's NY Times editorials. Whenever Bob Herbert's up to the plate, I know I'm going to get something good. But this piece left me turning over repeatedly in bed. I couldn't find sleep without writing or e-mailing folks the article or calling Nancy Pelosi or changing my party affiliation at midnight on a Monday in August.

When that whole crazy presidential race began in early 2007 or so, you may recall (if you've stuck around this blog that long, which clearly no one has (Mom?)) that I was a John Edwards supporter. As nearly every friend of mine fell for Obama, I was still with Edwards. Well fine, that wasn't the greatest call, but I had my doubts about Obama. But over time, I did grow to like him, and when Edwards' hopes faded, I moved swiftly into the Obama camp. And as I've sad about 100x since November, the night of 11.4.08 was one of the most joyous nights of my life.

We're now seven months into the Obama presidency, and I, for one, have been disappointed. This country handed the democrats both houses and the executive branch and gave them the opportunity to FINALLY (I mean, good lord, we had to sit through eight years of Bush, Rove, DeLay, Cheney and the rest of those crooks) put forward an agenda that democrats, liberals and educated Americans have long waited for. But so far, I've seen very little. Sotomayor was a nice little win and Barack's pushed through a few nice legislative wins, but this is our turn and we want more. A lot more.

Obama has let FOX News, a slew of gun-wielding rednecks, FreedomWorks and a bunch of self-serving, sickening fringe groups take over this fight. And they're winning. Despite Obama's intelligence, emotional depth and elastic mind, he hasn't been able to outmaneuver these dolts. How could Obama not, in plain words, convince the American public that health insurance and drug companies are well, the bad guys. That should've been easy, despite living in a country awash in complete morons. But he couldn't. And now the public option appears to be history. And with that, the hopes of many of the 60 million people who put their energy, dreams and time behind his campaign for the presidency. It's not too late, but it's getting there.


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