Obama's First State of the Union Address

Tonight, after a very tumultuous year, I once again saw the Barack Obama that I voted for in November of 2008. He was inspiring, cogent and determined. I know many on the left, myself included, are tired of just "words," but I'm going to keep the faith. I will waver, no question about it, but I want this man to transform and rebuild this nation, and despite a disappointing first year, I will keep pulling for him. I was obviously going to do that regardless of what I heard tonight, but his words and delivery only heightened that feeling.

The only area that still baffles me is his continuing effort to work with republicans. I think it's fine that he repeated such efforts in this speech, but I hope that after he walked out of the chambers, he was aware that it is absolutely fruitless. I mean, the republicans didn't stand when he spoke of gays in the military and the fact that we're all equal. They're a party that right there admitted to homophobia. That is not a party you can work with. He needs to read up on FDR, keep that passion burning and start making things happen. Tonight was a good fresh start.


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