I Don't Mind Hanging Around

It's been at least two weeks since I've posted anything outside of photos, YouTube links or quick nuggets on here. I used to check the "unique visitors" per day a few times a week; it's been months since I've checked out those nifty graphs. That said, I have no idea if anyone's even stopping by anymore. It's become obvious to me that my time to post on this blog is becoming limited. I do hope that I can pick up the pace in the weeks to come, but at least for the next two weeks or so, posts will likely remain limited.

On a quiet Saturday night, I'll just toss out some updates on stuff:

  • I haven't touched the book in three weeks, but that's usually how "work" on the book goes. I do have a deadline, which I will meet. And it's soon. And that deadline is for me to complete a full edit, then re-read the beast one full time. When I am done with both, I will find an editor and take next steps.
  • The photo book was also to be compiled by the same deadline, but last week my hard drive said goodbye. All of the photos (about 13,000) were/are backed up, but there is no rhyme or reason to them. All iPhoto folders are gone and I have to go through nearly all of them to find the ones that I want for the book. This is going to take time. But not too much time.
  • I do have a dog. It only took me 36 years. He was within 12 hours of being euthanized. He is a wonder: kind, smart, fun, delicate, happy and has added tons of warmth to my life. His name is Bennett.
  • I have made so many unbelievable new friendships in the past six months or so. They've come from countless places and angles, but they just seem to arrive. I am very, very fortunate to have these people in my life.
  • People keep asking, "What are you going to do with your career?" to which I really don't provide much of an answer. Right now things are good. I'm enjoying writing and photography, even though the inspiration can never be counted on. But it does eventually come. And I've taken to artist management again. A trip to LA last week to see the band perform was quite fun and only deepened my belief in their music. I am honing in on other interests, almost all of which circle around non-profit. Does that mean school? Maybe. Would I want to work for Oxfam? Good lord, yes. NPR? Yep. Could I remain in music?
  • This afternoon I re-read Paul Westerberg's Op-Ed on Alex Chilton (it's framed right next to my head). This line hit me: "Those who fail to click with the world and society at large find safe haven in music."
  • I have definitely retreated a bit from politics. Basically, I'm trying to step away from the things that get me riled up. After a lackluster first year, I'm much happier with Obama. All the other distractions (Teabagging, Glen Beck, etc.) are basically foreign to me; I simply pay no mind. I used to fall into it. Those days are over. That said, the state of Arizona should be ashamed of itself. When it comes to politics nowadays, the Son Volt song "Question" pretty much sums up where I'm at: My mind's made up, to pacing across the floor, no point in staying, we're not saying anymore. I don't mind hanging around, whatever now and what else, can I do? It's a question of you. Thoughts careen til I can't stand up. Where's the crime in a streak of bad luck? Words to pick at, retreat from. Words that fester to only get at the truth. It's a question of you. What it all comes down to, is a different set of values.....". Yes. What it all comes down to is a different set of values.
  • It's a beautiful world we live in. I am learning this more and more every day. And many of you have helped me to see this.


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