An Introduction to Townes Van Zandt

Prior to the re-issues (and perhaps still) Townes was one of those artists that seemed to fall into the "just get his best of (i.e., High, Low and In Between) and you'll be fine" camp. I couldn't disagree more. Sure, he didn't produce much new material following 1978's Flyin' Shoes, but everything prior is outstanding. Chuck in 2002's A Gentle Evening... and you're starting to round out a pretty comprehensive take on Townes' work.
When considering all the music I go on about ad nauseum, it's the songs that Townes produced that hover somewhere around a spiritual experience. If there is indeed a being running the show from above, that fella has certainly spent some times with Townes.
Some Pretty Great Townes Tunes
Quicksilver Daydreams of Maria
Pancho and Lefty
Delta Momma Blues
Colorado Girl
Don't Take It Too Bad
Be Here To Love Me
No Lonesome Tune
Come Tomorrow
To Live Is To Fly
I'll Be Here in the Morning
Only Him or Me
None But the Rain
Tecumseh Valley
If I Needed You
For the Sake of the Song
Rex's Blues
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