New Brookland

I have so many unforgettable memories from South By Southwest. Slobberbone and members of The Gourds at Club de Ville. Being introduced to Apollo Sunshine and feeling as though I was seeing one of the most talented and passionate bands I'd ever seen (a chills runs up my neck just thinking about that set). Running across Austin to get to Elliott Smith's set. Marah at Waterloo. That set by The Brakes. World Party. That once little, but now massive, festival down in Austin has delivered some of the greatest memories of my life.

In 2008, after touching down in Austin and dropping my retainer off at the hotel, I charged downtown and walked into an outdoor venue just seconds before South San Gabriel was to take the stage. As the venue door closed, I saw many of my friends in the crowd waiting for the band to arrive. As a friend handed me a drink, the sun seemed to drop as subtle blue lights filled the stage. The band walked out one-by-one and casually took seats. They played the song "New Brookland" and all of us sat in awe for close to ten minutes.


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