2008: The Worst in Music

I'll need a little more time to compile my best of, but tossing together a list of the most overrated/biggest disappointments of 2008, is fairly easy. Keep in mind that many of these records fell into my own oblivion after only a few listens. And one thing I've learned is that records that at first sound terrible or contrived, can later be reborn. Nevertheless, here's my short list of records that either suck or just don't live up to the hype.

Bon Iver
For Emma, Forever Ago

Oh how I tried. A few folks compared this record to Elliott Smith and Nick Drake. Good lord forgive those people. This is whiney, vapid crap. This man (I think Bon Iver's his "band" name) will be forgotten very soon. Yawn city.

Fleet Foxes
Fleet Foxes

2008's version of The Band? Seriously. Robbie Robertson must be having quite a laugh. I saw these greasers perform at the Treasure Island Music Festival and they sucked. This is generic, recycled basura.

Vivian Girls
Vivian Girls

I only made it through one listen. I doubt there will ever be a second listen.


Over-the-top 2008 hipster crap. The days of bands like Foals and F**k Buttons will be very short-lived.

Vampire Weekend
Vampire Weekend

Fine, I haven't heard the record, but like the Fleet Foxes, I caught them at a festival, and they were god awful. The wanna-be-cool Dartmouth grads in their Ray Bans and pink Polos near me almost resulted in a trip to the hospital. I'm not sure sure if that trip would've been due to my own coronary or a quick and decisive pummeling.

Vampire Weekend

The Dodos

I suppose this one has potential, but two or so listens brought on a very solid nap.


  1. i know youll get some crap for these picks but i cant listen to any of them either man...

  2. Yeah,, I can agree with all of these, except for the Fleet Foxes one. I do quite like this, and have listened to it many times. If I remember, it took a while before I really took a liking to it, so keep trying!

  3. Haha, I like all these albums. But fair enough.

  4. Good to have some notes from some folks with some blogs that are new to me. Treble Media looks quite interesting.

  5. Nice post. I agree with almost all of this - I kept listening to Bon Iver and Vivian Girls trying to see it. But I rather like Vampire Weekend. Yes, they wear pink polos, but the put it all out there - and in a catchy way.

  6. vampire weekend went to columbia. . . they're kitch, but so many songs about dorms, classes, and taking naps between classes? too much.

  7. I like a few of those albums, Bon Iver sort of bores me but I couldn't call it a bad album. I really like Vampire Weekend, quick and catchy, what's not to like?

  8. Yes! You're the first person I've come across who doesn't understand the whole Bon Iver obsession thing. I too find it all really, really boring.

    I don't mind Vampire Weekend though, but haven't jumped on the hypewagon like the rest of the world has seemed to.

    Have to disagree with Fleet Foxes though, I've really taken to them.

  9. Thank you. I did like two of those -- bon iver and dodos -- but I'm with you on all the others. There seems to be a Pitchforky fascination with the style rather than substance. These emperors have no close -- or rather songs. All these hypers are like toddlers who like the box more than the toy that came in it.

  10. I like Bon Iver quite a bit. I suppose one could call it boring. But, my feeling is that there are times and places for all sorts of albums. You can hear, more specifically, my feelings about this album on my Best-of list at my blog. Other than Bon Iver, I'm with you on all of these though. I absolutely deplore Vampire Weekend, and not because of where they went to school, but because of the crap quality of their music. Sounds like one of those albums that a Dave Matthews Band fan could play for their buddies to prove that he was the one with the really "cutting edge" music taste, haha.

  11. THANK YOU for putting Vivian Girls and Vampire Weekend on this list. Hardly anyone seems to agree with me that this music is awful. Which is fine, but it does get lonely. Well, you are awesome.

  12. I definitely like a lot of the albums (I think Bon Iver is overrated).

    The problems I have is including the Fleet Foxes here and on your honorable mention list.

    Why include Vampire Weekend when you haven't listened to the album?


    Come on. You sound about as tough as a cozy blanket.


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