Barack Obama and Rev. Wright

Pundits, pollsters and policy wonks agreed that Reverend Wright's YouTube videos revealed a side of Barack Obama that could level his run for the presidency. As someone who has been quite skeptical of Senator Obama, this story ended up being a major reason why I now fully believe that this man is ready.

With the weight of millions of people, dollars and dreams on his shoulders today, Barack Obama stood at the podium with what may have been the most important speech of his political career. Very few thought it possible that Obama could scurry his way out of this mess. Instead, Obama let us see what kind of person he really is. With videos of his friend and Reverend flying around the internet, Obama shocked us all by doing what no one expected: remaining truthful to his conviction and loyal to a man who has clearly played a positive role in his life. In a rare moment in the political arena, I felt as if the Senator were speaking to us with complete and utter honesty. I cannot remember the last time I saw a political figure rise above the pressure and remain true to his or her ideals and beliefs with so much at stake.

Today may have been Senator Obama's most impressive moment throughout this campaign. Instead of running away from the Reverend in typical political fashion, Obama eloquently dug into the issue and spoke to the American public like a true leader.

What he may lack in years of leadership were erased today by a move that not even the Clinton's could pull off. For evidence of this, simply recall how Hillary reacted to Geraldine Ferraro's controversial comments. Obama made this bigger than a few sound bites. And the American public should be grateful and humbled.


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