2008: The Worst in Music
I'll need a little more time to compile my best of, but tossing together a list of the most overrated/biggest disappointments of 2008, is fairly easy. Keep in mind that many of these records fell into my own oblivion after only a few listens. And one thing I've learned is that records that at first sound terrible or contrived, can later be reborn. Nevertheless, here's my short list of records that either suck or just don't live up to the hype. Bon Iver For Emma, Forever Ago Oh how I tried. A few folks compared this record to Elliott Smith and Nick Drake. Good lord forgive those people. This is whiney, vapid crap. This man (I think Bon Iver's his "band" name) will be forgotten very soon. Yawn city. Fleet Foxes Fleet Foxes 2008's version of The Band? Seriously. Robbie Robertson must be having quite a laugh. I saw these greasers perform at the Treasure Island Music Festival and they sucked. This is generic, recycled basura. Vivian Girls Vivian Girls I onl...
this is actually one of the first bands i've really enjoyed in a while. what do you mean today's hipsters? god emersed aren't you. you're probably some fucking ska punk faggot who hasn't considered giving in, and you wish more bands could put brass in their music without sounding exacly the same. hats are mostly the only things that distinguish people in this scene, so ridiculous that they have colored different hats, right? and not some fucking fishing hat or you know lets be calm and try not to express artistic style. good idea, let's bland up the whole scene, you should wait until this fad passes, and then you'll realize that this post is absolutely useless just like the rest of your shitty blog. i'm sure you've felt this sick remorse plenty of times. i love you