Moments & Music

Given the ease of always listening to exactly the music we want to hear, whether it be via our iTunes, iPod, CD or whatever is easily accessible, it's rare that we're hit with true moments of discovery. Sure, we might hear a record for the first time and fall in love, but usually we know the artist and are prepared for what's about to reach our ears.

Tonight, while listening to on random, a song came on that stopped me in my tracks. Fine, I was sitting down, but still. Oh my sweet jesus was I floored. I knew the artist, and I even knew the song, but what in god's name was this version. The song was "Casino Lights" by Richmond Fontaine, a band I loved in the 90s and early 00s, but have sort of abandoned over the past few years. This appeared to be a live version. Suddenly my throat tightened up and I was completely swept over by something that can't be explained. And I needed to find this song. And I needed to hear it again.

A few searches around (errr, the Richmond Fontaine site), and there it was. The band released a live record entitled Live at the Doug Fir Lounge in 2007 on the tiny El Cortez Records, and it's available for sale via Richmond Fontaine's site for a mere ten bucks.

And in a week it should drop in my mailbox.


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