Some Thoughts

  • I have 100 eMusic credits and literally can't find anything. Maybe my five-year run is about to come to an end. (I do appreciate the 50 freebies eMusic just tossed my way. I suppose that massive price increase didn't go over so well?)
  • Eugene Robinson talking about the possibility of a democrat running against Obama in 2012. I know, it's a bit early (like, *really* early), but dems are so on edge about this health-care bill that they could abandon Obama in droves. I do appreciate the progressive caucus saying: "no public option, we vote no." Wait, there are elected leaders with courage? Obama's presidency is growing more tenuous by the day. If he had stood firm with the public option from the outset, it would pass with flying colors. Now we'll be lucky if we all get a free toothbrush.
  • I went on perhaps my first "hike" ever today, and I must admit, it was quite enjoyable. After gumping for a few miles, I found myself still full of energy and commenced booking into the woods and up some fairly steep inclines. When I hit the top and Slobberbone's "Your Excuse" kicked in, I nearly jacknifed into the bay.
  • On the way home, I stopped into Safeway to pick up some nuggets. Comedy moment: I asked the bubbly lady at the deli counter how the turkey was (I haven't eaten turkey in probably two years) and she offered up a sample, which, no joke, was at least 3/4 lb. I laughed and held it up. "It's delicious," she said.
  • How tedious were the Facebook health care status updates today? Good lord are Americans lazy slobs. How about e-mailing or calling your representative? I'm not saying some aren't, but many probably feel they've done their job by copying and pasting someone else's idea into their silly Facebook update.
  • The next time I hear someone say "killing it" in reference to a band, I likely may use those two words on myself. "Fail" comes in a close second.
  • As I consider the possibility of moving, I've yet to even mull an American city. I don't have the first clue how to go about moving to Canada or somewhere else where I can get away from the flag-waving, eagle-tattooed bigots that seem to actually have influence in policy debates, but I outta explore.
  • I'm in for Springsteen at Giants Stadium on Oct 2 and 3. I'm wondering if I can make it to Kansas City to see Wilco on the 6th. I'm also wondering if Frank White will let me crash on his couch. Add in Dylan in Berkeley on the 11th and that's my top three of all-time all within nine days.


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