
I have officially canceled not just cable, but television altogether. The Comcast rep. was actually very kind and refrained from trying to steer me to some new "package deal." She almost seemed psyched that I was getting rid of the crap.

This is the first time in my life that I've been without television. As a child, I spent most of my waking hours sitting before a television. During my teens, I watched college basketball, the Knicks and Yankees just about every single night. From 2000 on I became a full-on news addict, spending hours upon hours watching MSNBC, C-Span, PBS, etc. The last few years my viewing has been fairly limited to HBO and The Office. Since I can wait for the former on Netflix (Bored To Death better come soon) and the latter on Hulu or, well, it was time to bid farewell.

Not only will I save over $60/month, but I will have to fill that time with other activities, hopefully reading, writing and jet skiing.


  1. congrats! i've been w/o a tv for over 10 years now. . . perhaps that's a warning?! NPR, newspapers, magazines, and Netflix fill the void more than adequately. One thing's for sure, you won't miss the ad's.

  2. it's a pretty fantastic feeling. if i could kick smoking after 18 years, i'm sure TV should be a breeze.

  3. I didn't have cable TV from the time I moved out of my parents' house (Jan. 1992) until just after the Towers fell on 9/11. (I could get some local stations via rabbit ears from the antenna on top of the North Tower.) Nine years! This was even pre-internet for a few years. I was more into listening to music and writing in journals. If I didn't live in SuperMax Isolation, I might just do it again!


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