Strummer, Costello and Last Night, Watt

In the Spring of 2002, a friend called me day of show and offered a free ticket to see Joe Strummer at St. Ann's Warehouse in Brooklyn. For reasons I now can't imagine, I turned it down. Just eight months later, Strummer died at the age of 50. That chance to see him "next time" would never happen. I can still remember my girlfriend at the time pushing me to go to the show while I found some lame excuse. Yes, an excuse to *not* see Joe Strummer, for free. Not long after, I sat in the Austin Convention Center listening to Elvis Costello talk about music. The entire room was gripped. Not only was Costello an amazing talent but he was just like us. He absolutely loved music and had almost childlike adoration for many of the artists we loved. As he was nearing the end of his talk, he honed in on the reasons for us all to continue to abandon those excuses for passing on that night out. He said something along the lines of, "You never know when your favorite band will b...