#39 Kelly Willis

Throughout this list, you'll likely hear a refrain of, "how could this band have not been huge?" I'm not sure any artist I'll mention is more perplexing, on this front, than Kelly Willis. After leaving (getting bounced from?) MCA just three years into her recording career, Willis went on to release her three best records on the always-great Rykodisc. Her first, 1999's What I Deserve, remains one of my favorite records, simply perfect from top-to-bottom. Her two subsequent Ryko releaseas are nearly as good, and it remains mind-boggling that Kelly Willis wasn't (isn't) a massive star. An incredible voice, matched with beautiful songs and a stage presence that made you feel as though you were standing before one of the greats, Willis' reach should be far greater than it is. She's a treasure and her songs have and will stand the test of time.

Favorite record: What I Deserve (1999)

Where are they now? Willis hasn't recorded a proper solo album in ten years, but she's released a few strong records with her husband, Bruce Robison. 2013's Cheater's Game is worth a listen. Many listens.


  1. She'd certainly make my top X list as well. I believe part of the reason she didn't become a monster star is that she was uncomfortable with how she was being marketed and might have voiced those thoughts or pushed back.


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