Steroids and (Somewhat) Misdirected Outrage

When a premiere player, or any player at all, finds a way to quickly improve his game, and a good portion of the league follows, how should players going about it legally react? Should they sit back, remain clean, and have their game and numbers overshadowed by those juicing? Should they speak up and turn in a good portion of the league? Give those questions some thought before trashing every player who made these mistakes.
I'm not excusing A-Rod, McGwire, Pettitte or others, but as I quickly noted in my previous post, the ones truly at fault here are Bud Selig, Don Fehr and Gene Orza more than any individual player. They were well aware of all of this and turned blind eyes. They should absolutely and without question be removed from the game of baseball forever. They have ruined over a decade of this once great game. Enough is enough.
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