Just like Richard Buckner, Kenny Roby, Brent Best and a slew of other great singer/songwriters of the day, Damien Jurado, in my eyes, has been robbed. Another amazing talent gone almost unnoticed amongst the masses. I used to get pissed off when I'd see some suck hit stardom, and the true talents play to rooms of 50-75. But no longer. Seriously. I just try and play my little part in helping them to continue to do what they do. I buy their records, go to their shows, buy a XXXL t-shirt and try to spread the word. I can only hope that such efforts toss a few extra bucks in their pockets. They more than deserve it. They were born with a gift, they're acting on it, producing and they should be able to continue. It leaves a lasting emotional void in me when such acts go away. Will Kenny Roby make another record? How about Buckner? They're both still young and it kills me that they may not release their work to the public anymore.
Damien Jurado is the closest thing to a present-day Nick Drake as there can be. He's been releasing records since 1997 via Sub Pop and Secretly Canadian. 2005's On My Way To Absence is a personal favorite, but just about any Jurado record, on a given day, can be his best. Next week he will release Saint Bartlett, but it's his side project with his brother, Hoquiam (artist name and album title), that is likely the best record released so far this year, and probably Jurado's best record in five years. It's one of those records that slowly seeps in: gorgeous lyrics, lush harmonies and a sonic simplicity that bears meat. Singer/songwriters come around all the time, but artists as deep and effecting as Jurado do not.
I'll need a little more time to compile my best of, but tossing together a list of the most overrated/biggest disappointments of 2008, is fairly easy. Keep in mind that many of these records fell into my own oblivion after only a few listens. And one thing I've learned is that records that at first sound terrible or contrived, can later be reborn. Nevertheless, here's my short list of records that either suck or just don't live up to the hype. Bon Iver For Emma, Forever Ago Oh how I tried. A few folks compared this record to Elliott Smith and Nick Drake. Good lord forgive those people. This is whiney, vapid crap. This man (I think Bon Iver's his "band" name) will be forgotten very soon. Yawn city. Fleet Foxes Fleet Foxes 2008's version of The Band? Seriously. Robbie Robertson must be having quite a laugh. I saw these greasers perform at the Treasure Island Music Festival and they sucked. This is generic, recycled basura. Vivian Girls Vivian Girls I onl...
On the eve of another decade, I find myself, surprisingly, more hopeful than I've been in a long time: maybe all the way back to Obama's victory in 2009. Despite the horrific things happening in our country, almost all with the support and urging of Trump and the Republican Party, when I sit back and take stock, and review history, I'm almost certain that not only will we get through this, but we will come out and enter a new golden age for the United States. It's not over. We're not doomed. We haven't lost. Greed, white supremacy, lies and hatred will not prevail. Will it be easy? No, and it never has been. Will Trump go quietly and gracefully, whether in 2020 or 2024 (or whenever)? No. He will likely fuel hatred and violence as he's done throughout his term, and really, his life. But ultimately, he will lose. As will McConnell, Graham, McCarthy and those hanging onto a past that really only exists in their venom. Sure, they've taped up and clung to an ...
It turns out that I have more frequent flier miles via American than I thought. I called yesterday and I can travel anywhere within the U.S. and almost anywhere outside of the U.S. gratis. Although I was considering Hawaii, since I'm not really a thong-wearing beach guy, I'm not sure it's the right destination. I'm leaning towards somewhere in Europe or Asia. Oh, and I've already traveled to the following: London, Amsterdam, Italy, France, Belgium, Festus, Missouri. Here's what I'm looking for: -Historical significance -Not a party scene -Relaxing -Not touristy -Off the beaten path If you have any tips or recommendations, please feel free to comment or e-mail me at campbellcj at gmail dot com.
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