What's (Still) the Matter with Kansas and Other Stuff

Tax Cuts: The GOP takes control of the House and what's their top priority? Yep, extend the tax breaks for the wealthy. I read this and immediately forwarded the news on to my middle-class friends and asked, "Tell me again why you continue to vote for this party?" Crickets. I mean, the Democrats wanted an across-the-board cut for everyone making under $250,000/year. Anyone over that would fall back to pre-Bush rates. No way, said the GOP. Instead of putting tens of billions towards the deficit (doesn't matter so much now, does it Boehner?), saving jobs in the public sector (ya know, middle class folks like cops, teachers, firefighters, parm cooks), let's help out those already well off. I mean, I understand the rich wanting equal taxation, but in these times? Really?

Facebook: For the first time maybe ever, I think the folks at Facebook have made a redesign mistake. I've never clicked one of those silly "I want the old FB back" things but the new "look at me" section under one's name is a blunder. Why the problem? Users need to basically highlight their key "attributes" (job, college, three-point percentage) in the most prominent area of real estate. I would imagine that this is an effort to slow LinkedIn, but I also imagine this has caused anxiety in many users. Yes, many people take Facebook very seriously, and this has added a competitive element to everyone's page. In my eyes, this is not the route Facebook should be taking. I've already noticed graduates of top-tier schools tossing that up first, while graduates of Omar Moreno Community College are leaving it blank. Sorry Facebook, but no Series D funding from me.

127 Hours: This movie is surprisingly good.


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