#23 Old 97's
When I reflect on the years that I lived in Brookyn, I'm not sure there's a band that brought more joy to my group of friends and I than Dallas' Old 97's. Shows at Irving Plaza and Rhett Miller solo sets at Fez and around Manhattan, represent some of the most joyful nights of my life. As Rhett sings, "I just might get drunk tonight and burn the nightclub down." There was also a lot of drinking. A lot. Late nights, edging into the morning. Bar 119 adjacent to Irving Plaza. Mayhem. The backdrop of it all was often those early 97's records.
Favorite record: Too Far To Care (1997)
Where are they now? I sort of stopped following the new rel3eases after 2008's Blame It On Gravity (which is fantastic), but they're still putting out records and touring the country.
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